Communication Test

Family Test - Five dimensions of study

The family test is an essential tool for assessing your home situation. It will allow you to evaluate the key dimensions for an optimal education during your children's adolescence.

At Parents in the Cloud we consider three basic dimensions of Communication

  • Contenido del mensaje: there must be harmony in communication. The message must be structured in such a way that it is interesting for both interlocutors. In this way, a good communicative result will be achieved..
  • Assertiveness: ability to communicate both the good and the bad. Being honest in talking about problems, having the confidence to accept criticism and being mature enough to praise others when they deserve it.
  • Communicative confidence: for there to be an open dialogue, there must be confidence in the interlocutor. Trust and openness between the parties is achieved through emotional work and guarantees the success of communication..

Responde al Test y analiza tu familia de un vistazo

At the end of the questionnaire you will obtain your results in an intuitive graph that will allow you to evaluate the situation in your home. The strengths and weaknesses that you have as an educator to address the education of your child during adolescence. You can navigate through the different dimensions of the test through the following five tabs:

Analyze your family

Once you have finished all the dimensions, you can analyze your results in the Family Test.
