Atender indicaciones en la adolescencia

Follow Parental Guidance

Adolescence is a crucial stage in life, marked by significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes. During this period, teenagers start seeking independence, often questioning the rules and expectations set by their parents. However, following parental guidance remains essential for a well-rounded development and making healthy decisions during this stage.

Why Is It Important to Follow Parental Guidance?

Many teenagers may feel that the rules imposed by their parents are a way to limit their freedom. However, it’s important to understand that these rules and guidelines are not meant to restrict, but to protect and guide. Parents have accumulated life experience and have faced situations that teenagers have yet to encounter, making their wisdom and advice key tools for avoiding problems and learning to make responsible decisions.

Parental guidance also provides a crucial structure in a teenager’s life. Having clear boundaries helps young people feel secure and develop discipline. Additionally, parental guidance is designed to teach critical skills, such as time management, decision-making, and respect for others. All of this contributes to shaping responsible and balanced adults.

Tips for Parents: How to Set Effective Guidance

  1. Open and respectful communication: It is essential for parents to communicate clearly and directly, while also listening to their children. Teenagers value feeling heard and considered in decision-making processes.
  2. Establish clear and consistent rules: Rules should be consistent and understandable. It’s important to explain the reasoning behind each rule so teenagers understand that they are not arbitrary restrictions but boundaries set for their well-being.
  3. Encourage autonomy: While it is necessary to set limits, it’s also important to allow teenagers to make some decisions on their own. This fosters their sense of independence and teaches them to take responsibility for their actions.
  4. Lead by example: Parents should serve as role models. Setting an example is key because teenagers often imitate the behavior they observe at home. If parents are consistent with the rules they set, their children are more likely to respect them.

Tips for Teenagers: How to Benefit from Following Parental Guidance

  1. Trust your parents’ experience: Even though some rules may seem unnecessary or restrictive, it’s important to remember that your parents have a broader perspective and know what’s best for you in many situations.
  2. Communicate your doubts and concerns: Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. If there’s a rule or guideline you don’t understand or agree with, talk to your parents respectfully. They might not see things from your point of view and could be open to hearing your perspective.
  3. Recognize boundaries as a form of protection: Boundaries and rules are not there to make your life difficult but to keep you safe. Your parents want the best for you and strive to protect you from situations that may not be obvious to you now.
  4. Take advantage of the lessons they provide: Every rule comes with a lesson. Learning to follow guidelines not only helps you navigate adolescence but also prepares you to face the challenges of adulthood.

Final Reflection

Following parental guidance during adolescence is an act of responsibility and maturity. Even though this stage is marked by the desire for independence, teenagers must understand that the rules and guidance from their parents are not meant to stifle their freedom but to provide a safe and structured framework in which they can grow and learn.

For their part, parents should recognize the importance of adapting their communication style and authority to the changing needs of their adolescent children, always striving for a balance between setting boundaries and encouraging autonomy.

Ultimately, the key lies in open dialogue and mutual understanding, elements that will strengthen the relationship between parents and children during these transformative years.

Discover your child's personality

At Parents in the Cloud we have synthesized the adolescent personality model based on the dimensions of activity, sociability and rationality. Discover what type of personality your child has to help you manage the family environment and improve communication with him/her.



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For privacy purposes you can type any nickname that allows you recognize your child.
As your children can interact with you into the platform we will create an account for them. If you fulfill the email account field, some emails related their behaviours and progress will be sent to them. If you keep the field empty we will create the account with an email attached like this and they won't receive nothing from the platform.
Birthdate will be important for us to evaluate behaviours and plan educational actions.
For privacy purposes you can type any nickname that allows you recognize your child.
As your children can interact with you into the platform we will create an account for them. If you fulfill the email account field, some emails related their behaviours and progress will be sent to them. If you keep the field empty we will create the account with an email attached like this and they won't receive nothing from the platform.
Birthdate will be important for us to evaluate behaviours and plan educational actions.