School for Parents of Teenagers

Parenting has never been so easy

Discover the most effective digital tools that will help you educate your teenage child.

Proven psychological techniques aimed at educational work and improving behavior.

At Parents in the Cloud you can discover and take advantage of your educational skills.

Connect with your child by communicating in a more productive way and motivate him/her to get involved in his/her maturation process.

The easy adolescence

With our problem detection tools you can study your family life and choose which areas to work on. You will learn to manage conflicts even before they occur. Easy for you and motivating for teenagers.

Technology at the service of education

We are the School of Educators 2.0. We will help you understand what your teenage child thinks and why he or she behaves the way he or she does during this stage. You will avoid the most common mistakes and motivate him or her to change and develop personally.

A whole network of professionals for you

Parents in the Cloud offers you the best educational management tools created for you by professionals in Psychology, Social Education and Computer Engineering. Our team is expert in working with teenagers.

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Discover your child's personality

At Parents in the Cloud we have synthesized the adolescent personality model based on the dimensions of activity, sociability and rationality. Discover what type of personality your child has to help you manage the family environment and improve communication with him/her.


Behaviour evaluation


You need an account

You have to be registered in the platform to access this tool.

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  • radio_button_unchecked Lowercase & Uppercase
  • radio_button_unchecked Number (0-9)
  • radio_button_unchecked Special Character (!@#$%^&*)
  • radio_button_unchecked Atleast 8 Character
Your role in the platform. This will affect the contents and applications that you will be able to use.
For privacy purposes you can type any nickname that allows you recognize your child. Birthdate will be important for us to evaluate behaviours and plan educational actions.
For privacy purposes you can type any nickname that allows you recognize your child. Birthdate will be important for us to evaluate behaviours and plan educational actions.