Teenage Personality Test – Activity

Test de Personalidad Adolescente - Tres dimensiones de análisis

The Teenage Personality Test is an essential tool for assessing your child's personality. Thanks to this questionnaire, you will be able to analyze the key dimensions of your child's personality and thus find the best way to connect together.

There are adolescents who will be passive and others who will be more active. The extreme of activity would be a person who always needs stimulation and who chooses new activities without stopping to keep busy. On the other side would be the passive person whose aspiration would be to be calm and with very limited and controllable stimulation.

Being an active or passive teenager will directly condition the search for sensations, the probability of falling into risky behaviors or the need for stimulation in a reference group.

Take the test and analyze your family at a glance

At the end of the questionnaire, you will obtain your results in an intuitive graph that will allow you to evaluate the situation in your home. The strengths and weaknesses that you have as an educator in addressing the education of your child during adolescence. You can navigate through the different dimensions of the test through the following five tabs:


You need an account

You have to be registered in the platform to access this tool.

Analyze your children personality

Once you have finished all the dimensions, you can analyze your children results in the Personality Test.
