Valores del adolescente

Values ​​of the teenager

The teenage years are a crucial period for forming values, those principles that guide a person’s way of thinking and acting throughout life. During adolescence, these values solidify, and parents play a vital role in helping their children internalize the best possible ones.

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of fostering values in teenagers, how to guide them, and how parents can influence their children’s values during this key stage.

Why Is It Important to Foster Values in Teenagers?

Values shape a person’s decisions, priorities, and behavior, which is why it is essential to focus on instilling them during adolescence. A teenager’s values will directly influence their life choices, from their friendships to their career paths. Therefore, cultivating positive values early will set them on the right track for their future.

Some of the most important values during adolescence include respect, responsibility, empathy, perseverance, and honesty. These values help teenagers face the challenges of this stage, make more responsible decisions, and develop positive relationships with others.

How to Guide Teenagers in Developing Their Values

  1. Be a role model: Adolescents learn by observing their surroundings, especially their parents. Setting an example is the most effective way of teaching values.
  2. Open communication: Encourage open discussions about what they believe in and why certain values are important. Listening to their perspectives without judgment helps in reinforcing values through dialogue.
  3. Set limits and consequences: Let your teen know that actions have consequences. Clear boundaries help teenagers understand the value of responsibility and respect.
  4. Encourage participation in social or community activities: Helping others fosters empathy and community spirit, two fundamental values.
  5. Promote critical thinking: Teach your teenager to question things critically. Encourage them to analyze situations and make decisions based on their values.

Parental Influence on Adolescent Values

Parents hold significant sway over the development of values in teenagers. It’s essential to create an environment at home where positive values are reinforced consistently. Here are some key points parents should keep in mind:

  • Consistency: If a parent’s actions contradict their words, it will create confusion in their adolescent. Consistency between words and actions is crucial.
  • Celebrate positive behavior: When your teen acts according to the values you’re trying to instill, acknowledge it and celebrate it. Positive reinforcement helps cement these behaviors.
  • Expose them to diverse perspectives: Teenagers should be encouraged to explore different viewpoints. This helps them appreciate diversity and strengthen their understanding of values like tolerance and respect.


Instilling values in teenagers is a key aspect of their personal growth. By being present, communicating, and leading by example, parents can guide their teenagers toward adopting values that will benefit them throughout their lives. During this crucial stage, reinforcing positive values will prepare them to face the challenges of adulthood with a solid foundation.

Discover your child's personality

At Parents in the Cloud we have synthesized the adolescent personality model based on the dimensions of activity, sociability and rationality. Discover what type of personality your child has to help you manage the family environment and improve communication with him/her.



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For privacy purposes you can type any nickname that allows you recognize your child.
As your children can interact with you into the platform we will create an account for them. If you fulfill the email account field, some emails related their behaviours and progress will be sent to them. If you keep the field empty we will create the account with an email attached like this and they won't receive nothing from the platform.
Birthdate will be important for us to evaluate behaviours and plan educational actions.
For privacy purposes you can type any nickname that allows you recognize your child.
As your children can interact with you into the platform we will create an account for them. If you fulfill the email account field, some emails related their behaviours and progress will be sent to them. If you keep the field empty we will create the account with an email attached like this and they won't receive nothing from the platform.
Birthdate will be important for us to evaluate behaviours and plan educational actions.